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Showing posts from October, 2015

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The milky's Black Hole

The Milky Way Three orbiting X-ray space telescopes have detected an increased in the  rate of X-ray flares from the usually quiet giant black hole at the center of our Milky Way Galaxy after new long-term monitoring. Researchers are trying to learn whether this is normal behavior that was unnoticed due to limited monitoring or these flares are triggered by the recent close passage of a mysterious dusty object. By combining information from long monitoring campaigns by NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory and ESA’s XMM-Newton , with observations by the Swift satellite, astronomers were able to carefully trace the activity of the Milky Way’s supermassive black hole over the last 15 years. The supermassive black hole — Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*) — weighs in at slightly more than 4 million times the mass of the Sun. X-rays are produced by hot gas flowing toward the black hole. The new study reveals that Sagittarius A* produces one bright X-ray flare about every 10 days....


A close encounter with the biggest planet of our solar system i.e. Jupiter,may have led to ejection of the fifth gas giant. A gas giant The existence of a fifth giant planet at the time of the  Solar System’s formation of  Solar System – in addition to Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune – was. But if it did exist, how did it get pushed out? For years, astronomers have suspected the ouster was either  Jupiter or Saturn . “Our evidence points to Jupiter,” said team member Ryan Cloutier, of the University of Toronto. But, earlier studies which proposed that gas giants could possibly eject one another did not consider the effect such violent encounters would have on minor bodies, such as the known moons of the giant planets, and their orbits. So the team of astronomers tuned their attention on moons and orbits,making computer animations based on modern day trajectories of Callisto and Galileo ,  the regular moons orbiting around Jupiter and Saturn res...