HAPPY NEW YEAR FRIENDS!!(umm..sorry for being late)
So at last 2015 ended a few days ago! , and I welcome you all to 2016. Sadly 2015 passed away without much event but you guys would be happy to know that 2016 will be an exiting year!! full of events and enjoyment. Here is a list of them for which I am eagerly waiting for! BE READY!!!
January 9(at down): A rare chance to see Venus and Saturn in the same telescopic field!
January 19 : The Moon will occult Aldebaran(Taurus) but this would be visible only from North America.
February 7 - Mercury at Greatest Western Elongation. The planet Mercury reaches greatest western elongation of 25.6 degrees from the Sun. This is the best time to view Mercury since it will be at its highest point above the horizon in the morning sky. Look for the planet low in the eastern sky just before sunrise.
March 8: Jupiter at opposition—that means it’s opposite the Sun in the sky, so it’s up all night, and as close to Earth as it gets for the year. This is the best time to observe it!
May 9: Mercury transits the Sun. This may be the biggest event of the year; transits are relatively rare and very cool to watch. I’ll have a blog post about this in a few months, closer to the date.
June 3: Saturn at opposition. It’s been a while since I’ve seen Saturn through a telescope, so this’ll be nice.
Wait, there are many more!!! but I would tell you guys about them in my another post , till then wait for these and enjoy.
Once again a very Happy New Year!
find me on:
Instagram: avirals_22
email me at: aviralsrivastava12@gmail.com
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