Long back since Aristotle's times , people have wondered about objects of different mass and surface area would fall during a free fall??? Would they fall at the same rate??, or one would fall faster than the other??, or they wouldn't even fall!!!???(in vacuum).
For centuries we were looking these answers, but could not find them. Galileo in experiment on the Leaning Tower of Pisa, proved that the rate of falling objects(in presence of air) doesn't depend upon their masses, instead it was determined by their surface areas!!!
Still we were not sure what will happen if these objects are made to fall in vacuum. Atlast we have found the answer!!!, in the NASA'S Space Power Facility , which is the world's largest vacuum chamber, researchers have shown what really happens in such conditions.
So sit back and watch this amazing video.
For centuries we were looking these answers, but could not find them. Galileo in experiment on the Leaning Tower of Pisa, proved that the rate of falling objects(in presence of air) doesn't depend upon their masses, instead it was determined by their surface areas!!!
Still we were not sure what will happen if these objects are made to fall in vacuum. Atlast we have found the answer!!!, in the NASA'S Space Power Facility , which is the world's largest vacuum chamber, researchers have shown what really happens in such conditions.
So sit back and watch this amazing video.
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